
Dr. Jorge E. Delgado

Project Associate

​Jorge E. Delgado is a Brussels-based consultant working on conflict prevention and resolution. He was a Senior Policy Adviser with the Embassy of Canada in Colombia supporting the development of comprehensive peace and security programming in the country. Previously, he worked for the private sector as a political risk analyst and as researcher for the Bogotá-based Ideas for Peace Foundation on a variety of peace building and security sector governance projects.

​Delgado’s research has focused on the strategic history of the Colombian conflict with an emphasis on the Colombian government forces’ strategy making process and their definition and understanding of the means and ends in war. He is particularly interested in the dynamics of Colombia’s security sector in the post-peace accord transition.

​A former Chevening Scholar, Delgado holds a PhD from the Department of War Studies at King’s College London.

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Time to rethink Colombia’s militarised national security approach