
Dr. Katerina Tkacova

Post-Doctoral Researcher
University of Oxford

Dr Kate Tkacova is a researcher at the Global Security Programme at the University of Oxford. She also works with Professor Wilson on the project Mapping Thirty Years War.

Kate holds a doctorate from the Department of Government at the University of Essex (2012-2017) as well as Bc. (BA equivalent) in Political Science and International Relations and Mgr. (MA equivalent) in Security Studies from the Charles University in Prague. She also studied at Nottingham University (2010-11). Before joining the University of Oxford, Katerina served as Associate Lecturer at the Birkbeck University of London and Teaching Fellow at the University of Bath. She also taught at the University College London and the University of Essex. Her teaching experience ranges from Quantitative Methods, International Relations, Comparative Politics and Conflict Analysis.

Katerina’s research interests include dynamics of conflict-related violence, ethnic groups and quantitative research methods. Her PhD dissertation focused on the identification of the main factors leading to ethnically motivated domestic terrorism and the connection between terrorism and civil wars. During her PhD, Katerina built the Database of Ethnically Motivated Terrorist Attacks (DEMTA). The Economic Social Research Council financially supported her PhD study.

Explore Resources

Introducing the Changing Character of Conflict Platform project: New approach to quantitative analysis of protracted conflicts

The Network Structure of Conflict Actors and its Effect on Violence against Civilians: The Case of the Conflict in Somalia

Conflicts in Flux: A Novel Approach to Analysing Conflict Dynamics

New Perspectives on Changing Conflict Patterns: The Thirty Years’ War Example

Cross-Stakeholder Forum Reports: Understanding Changing Conflict Dynamics in Myanmar and the Horn of Africa

Conflict in Nigeria

Mathematical Modelling of Conflict Change

Conflict in the Afghanistan-Pakistan Border Area

Conflict in Colombia

Conflict in Myanmar

Conflict in the Horn of Africa

Visualizing Change in Armed Conflict: Complexity in the Eyes of the Beholder

Conflict in Syria and Iraq