
Carina Uchida

Project Assistant

Carina Uchida is a recent MSc graduate in Latin American Studies at the University of Oxford. Having previously studied International Relations at King’s College London, she specializes in transitional justice processes in post-civil war arenas in Latin America, and as an avid International Relations theorist, interested in critical disruptions of human security, post-colonial spaces and gendered experiences of international politics. In particular, focusing on the Peruvian truth and reconciliation commission, her masters thesis explored how mainstream conceptualizations of armed conflict are inept in reconciling grievances of gender-based violence. Carina has worked at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is currently a researcher for All Survivors Project, an UN affiliated NGO focusing on sexual violence against men and boys and an editor for the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy. Additionally, she looks forward to commencing her new role at the International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s Asia-Pacific regional branch in a few months.